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Year: 2022

Why early healthy eating habits is necessary for development of child


Every parent wants their children to grow up healthy. Your child’s health will be affected by the nutrition he/she intakes. especially during the first five years. 

Eating shouldn’t ever be forced, especially with so many options available in each meal group. Include your child in the process of meal preparation or grocery shopping so they can select their favourite nutrient-dense whole foods.

What child should eat

  • Fruit: is a great source of nutrients, especially vitamins A, C, and E. Apples and oranges are two of our favourites around here at Kids’ Care Club. Avoid using any fruit juice for this food group since the juice is high in sugar, increases the risk of tooth decay, and makes people want sweeter drinks.
  • Fresh Vegetables: Although youngsters may have a negative perception of vegetables, early exposure to them and role models that promote a healthy diet can help to curb finicky eating habits. Choose organic foods whenever possible to reduce your exposure to pesticides.
  • Protein: Meat, poultry, beans, peas, eggs, shellfish, almonds, and more are all sources of protein. This protein is necessary for the body of your child to be healthy.
  • Calcium: is a mineral required for the healthy growth and upkeep of strong bones and teeth. This mineral is abundant in dairy products, which include milk, yoghurt, and cheese. eliminating dairy? Fish, soy milk, tofu, and other calcium-fortified dairy alternatives are all excellent choices. Spinach is our personal favourite among leafy green veggies.
  • Whole Grains: Whole grains and starchy meals are sources of essential vitamins and minerals, complex carbs, and other nutrients that provide your youngster with enough energy. Whole-grain pasta, whole-grain bread, rice, potatoes, and whole-grain cereals are all good choices.

What child should not eat

  • Added Sugar: Granulated sugar, high fructose corn syrup, brown sugar, and other added sugars can all be found in our diets. When you go food shopping in the future, choose cereals with few sugars added, a variety of fruits, and homemade smoothies.
  • Saturated/Trans Fats: In addition to fried and prepared foods, saturated and trans fats are frequently present in animal products. These raise blood cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease. Cheeses, beef, whole-fat milk, butter, ice cream, and palm and coconut oils all contain them.
  • Sodium: Early dietary influences shape a person’s predilection for salt as a flavour. Fast food, frozen meals (frozen pizza! ), and snacks (potato chips!) are common food categories, and while they may taste delicious, choosing healthier choices can result in better lifelong habits.


Type of Cooking Oil in India


Indian cuisine is renowned for its mouthwatering flavour, aroma, and finger-licking sensation. The cooking oil gives our food its signature flavour and texture. Let’s examine a few varieties of the best cooking oils in India, as well as their virtues and characteristics.

  • Groundnut Oil: This oil has skin-beneficial antioxidant qualities, which has made it very popular in India.
  • Coconut Oil: One of the best options for foods that require high heat is coconut oil. Even after being stored for months, it does not go bad. You feel fuller for longer periods of time after eating food prepared with coconut oil. 
  • Sunflower Oil: Given its high vitamin E content, sunflower oil is one of the most widely used cooking oils in India. At extreme temperatures, this oil keeps food nourished.
  • Mustard Oil: Numerous health advantages can be derived from mustard oil. It is very digestible and helps in cold and cough prevention. Considered the healthiest cooking oil in India.
  • Soybean Oil: is one of the greatest types of oil for vegans. It has many different applications. Because of its high smoking point, soybean oil is a fantastic choice for roasting, baking, and frying.
  • Sesame Oil: They are both necessary fatty acids that guard against many illnesses, including as cancer and heart disease. They also aid in enhancing immunological performance.
  • Rice Bran Oil: Because of its bland flavour, rice bran oil, one of the most adaptable cooking oils, may be used for both frying and baking. It has a high smoke point and offers health advantages like lowering blood sugar and reducing cardiac problems.
  • Olive Oil: Antioxidants in olive oil are well-known for their abundance. The oil was suitable for cooking at low to medium temperatures. One of its advantages is the preservation of heart health.
  • Safflower Oil: It helps to promote heart and vascular health and lower blood cholesterol levels. When applied topically, the anti-inflammatory qualities of safflower oil help soothe your skin.

Read also:  https://www.viarastore.in/2022/10/01/how-to-choose-the-right-cooking-oil/

If you are looking to online purchase any of above cooking oil, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in.com 


Organic vs Inorganic Food


Organic Food 

Without the use of synthetic chemicals, hormones, antibodies, or genetically modified organisms, organic foods have been grown or produced. A food item needs to be free of artificial food additives in order to be considered organic. Fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, and meat are the most often purchased organic foods. These days, there are also a lot of processed organic foods accessible, including cereals, drinks, and cookies.

Benefits of Organic Foods

  1. Organic farming practices are excellent for the environment as a whole. Local wildlife may be harmed by synthetic pesticides that are frequently employed in the food production process.
  2. Organic farms often use less energy and generate less waste.
  3. By reducing their exposure to dangerous synthetic pesticides, consumers also gain from eating organic foods.
  4. A number of research demonstrate that organic foods have a higher nutritious content than inorganic ones.
  5. Although many people think eating organic food is safer than eating inorganic food.
  6. In general, organic food is more expensive than inorganic food.

Conclusion: Organic food is meant to be grown without the use of any chemicals found in the soil on natural soil. The majority of people prefer to purchase organic food in order to maintain their own and their families’ health by avoiding the usage of artificial chemicals. However, research suggests that eating organic foods may lower your body’s susceptibility to bacteria or illness by preventing antibiotics from working well when you’re ill.

Advantage & Disadvantage of Food Supplements


You can supplement your diet with extra nutrients to make up for those you don’t get from entire meals. You can take them for a variety of reasons, such as to ensure that you get enough overall nutrition or to help you attain a fitness or health goal. 

You can also take them to deal with food allergies. Products that add protein, vitamins, minerals, or calories to your diet are examples of food supplements, and each one has benefits and drawbacks.

1. Protein Supplements: When you don’t eat enough whole foods, protein supplements, which come in the form of powders, shakes, or bars, can help you get enough protein in your diet. They may also offer particular advantages that advance fitness. For instance, branched-chain amino acids, which are abundant in whey-based supplements, might hasten muscle repair after a strenuous workout. 

On the other hand, if you may receive all the protein you need from complete meals, protein supplements may be an unneeded addition to your budget. Additionally, even while eating more protein than your body needs is not hazardous if you are in good health, if it adds extra calories to your diet, you can end up gaining weight.

2. Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: If your dietary intake is minimal, whether because you are on a calorie-restricted diet or because you dislike eating certain foods that contain a certain nutrient, supplements might help you maintain optimal health. But ingesting too much of particular vitamins or minerals can have a negative impact on your health.

If you regularly consume more fat-soluble vitamins than you require, they can build up in your fat tissue. For example, too much vitamin A over time might result in abnormalities in the liver and birth problems. Mineral toxicity can also result from excessive mineral ingestion. Too much calcium may predispose you to kidney stone formation, too much iron, magnesium, selenium, or zinc may cause digestive issues, and high manganese intake may result in neurotoxicity.

3. Calorie Supplements: Supplements with a lot of calories can be helpful for some medical conditions. For instance, nutritional deficits brought on by cancer may occur from changes in the way your body metabolises food and possible appetite loss. Body wasting can also be caused by AIDS and anorexia. The addition of nutrients and calories from supplements that have a balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats can help prevent weight loss while recovering. Extreme athletes, children who are growing quickly, and picky eaters may also gain advantages from calorie-dense supplements. However, if none of these conditions exist, using this kind of food supplement may do nothing more than add extra calories to your diet, which will inevitably lead to an increase in body fat.

Conclusion: Whole foods are the healthiest option for obtaining your daily nutrients unless there are exceptional conditions. Even the best food supplements may fall short of the fibre, phytochemicals, and other health-protective nutrients that are present in a varied, well-balanced whole-food diet. Occasional food supplements are unlikely to be harmful.

6 Benefits Of Buying Bulk Foods


Buying food in bulk has a lot of advantages. See how buying in bulk can make you a more environmentally conscious consumer and help you lead a greener lifestyle by looking at the reasons listed below: 

1) Reduce Waste: You may cut down on packaging and food waste by doing your grocery shopping at bulk food stores. Purchasing in bulk eliminates the need for extra packing and single-use plastic, allowing you to focus on the delicious food rather than the extra packaging. 

You can significantly reduce your weekly household waste by switching to bulk purchasing. Additionally, it will motivate you to consider the environment when making purchases, benefiting both your pantry and the globe.

2) Less Travelling: Because there are fewer packing components that need to be made and delivered before being filled, bulk commodities need less overall transit. Large sacks and crates, which can be packed more densely on a truck than smaller, individually packaged things (did you know that most crisp packets are actually 75% air! ), allow for more efficient delivery of bulk goods. Isn’t it great that some of our wonderful suppliers are entirely closed loop, meaning they repeatedly reuse their delivery containers on subsequent deliveries?

3) Less Cost: Because you aren’t paying for superfluous packaging, buying in bulk is typically less expensive than shopping at a standard mass supermarket. Purchasing in bulk means you are getting the product – plain and simple – without the fancy branding that businesses charge for!

4) Mind your shopping: Purchasing in bulk encourages you to consider how much packaging is being used and how much food is wasted. Additionally, you’ll purchase more responsibly everywhere else because you’re paying closer attention to your consumption and waste! 

Eliminating wasteful packaging is as simple as buying almonds in bulk and creating your own almond milk. Shopping with awareness has a profound impact on our world. And you’ll be so motivated to share the message and persuade loved ones to alter their own behaviours and lives!

5) Return To The Basics: There is a time and place for returning to the fundamentals, making things as straightforward as possible, and going back to “The Source” in today’s fast-paced world. Shopping at bulk food stores is all about doing this! It is keeping things simple and shopping the old-fashioned way. 

A truer, more satisfying, and healthy way of living is to cook from scratch like our grandparents did and to stop using overly processed and packaged foods.

6) You Can Purchase Just the Amount You Need: When you purchase in bulk, you may scoop out precisely the amount you require, preventing food waste. For instance, if a dish calls for 250 grammes of quinoa, you may weigh it out and purchase only that quantity rather than buying a large bag that might take up a lot of room in your cupboard and end up gathering dust. 

You have the freedom to try new things because you can buy in bulk and sample small amounts before buying more. You can purchase small amounts of various goods to create recipes or mixes in-store with no minimum purchase requirement.


What to eat in winter season in India?


India is proud of the variety of its cultures and cuisines, and the country’s winter fare is no exception. It’s time to stock up on warming, scrumptious treats that are meant specifically for the cold season as winter draws near and appetites rise. Eat the freshly prepared Indian winter food platters without worrying about calories. Here is a list of delicious wintertime foods in India:

  1. Gajar Ka Halwa
  2. Sarson ka Saag
  3. Thukpa
  4. Gushtaba 
  5. Undhiyu
  6. Sakarkand Rabdi
  7. Nolen Gur Sandesh  
  8. Gond ka Ladoo
  9. Lapsi 
  10. Til Pitha
  11. Chikki
  12. Raab
  13. Panjiri
  14. Methi Pakora 

So now you are aware of the best winter foods in India to keep you cozy. Don’t pass up the chance to consume as many winter delicacies as you can to avoid having to wait until the following season.

Which winter food is your favorite? Post your recollections associated with the food in the comments section below.

Why to eat according to season


The fresh produce that is available changes with the weather around the world. Every season offers a wide variety of lovely fresh produce; now is a great time to experiment and try new recipes or revise tried-and-true ones to include more seasonal produce. Your palate will be delighted, but there are also health advantages. The many advantages of eating seasonally are listed below!

1.Better Taste: Produce in season is sweeter and more completely ripe, and it tastes better. Fruits and vegetables will have considerably more flavour and nutrition when they are collected for consumption after naturally ripening on the vine or the tree and being harvested at the proper time. 

Crops must be picked early and kept chilled while being transported to prevent spoilage; chilling will lessen the flavour. When they get at their destination, the food may then need to be heated in a hothouse to artificially ripen it before it is placed on the shelves. This significantly diminishes the flavour and alters the texture and flavour of the product.

2.Lower Prices: The price of products will decrease when farmers harvest an excess of it since the crop is in season. Produce that is sourced locally since it is in a season where you live saves on transportation and storage costs, lowering manufacturing costs that are then passed on to the consumer. 

Produce that is purchased out of season will cost more since it must be shipped from far regions with a different climate and preserved for extended periods of time so that consumers can choose from a range of fruits and vegetables all year long.

3.High Nutritional Value: Seasonal produce has a better chance of being fresher, eaten more recently after harvesting, and has a higher nutritional value. Some antioxidants, such as vitamin C, folate, and carotenoids, will quickly degrade when stored for extended periods of time. 

Fruits and vegetables that are grown locally and in season will likewise look more vivid and lively than limp and wilted. In order to extend the shelf life of out-of-season produce, large markets and grocers may purchase it after it has been gassed, irradiated (radiation is used to kill bacteria), and kept in wax.

4.No Contamination: You cannot be certain of the country’s pesticide, herbicide, and fungicide rules when purchasing fruits and vegetables from abroad. Many nations throughout the world have very loose regulations regarding the application of chemicals to fruits and vegetables, which other nations have outlawed because of their proven adverse effects. 

To protect the quality of the land and the soil, international agriculture may not regulate soil contamination tests. Due to nearby industrial facilities, certain agricultural areas have been found to have extremely high levels of heavy metals and other harmful contaminants. Some countries may not have the best health practices.

5.Best for the body’s nutritional needs: Nature provides us with citrus fruits in plenty during the winter months because they are particularly high in vitamin C, which is crucial for combating illnesses like the cold and flu. 

Winter veggies are warming and ideal for healthful stews, soups, casseroles, hot dinners, and another hearty fare. Summer foods like stone fruits and salad veggies for those scrumptious cool summer salads give us extra beta-carotene and other carotenoids that help protect us against sun damage. They also give us more sweetness for an active summer.

Foxtail Millet Is The Oldest Millet In The World


The five healthy millets—Little, Kodo, Foxtail, Barnyard, and Brown Top—with their low carbohydrate-to-fiber ratios are increasingly recognised as grains that can root out contemporary disorders. These are the native grains of many different nations across the world, and they can be a true alternative to grains as a staple meal and help to solve many environmental issues. 

Characterstics of Foxtail Millet

  • Yellow in colour
  • Fibre content is 8.0.
  • Iron content is 6.3 mg% 
  • Protein content is 12.3 gms %
  • Carbohydrate to fibre ratio is 7.57

Foxtail millet is regarded as the most balanced millet among the five beneficial millets because of the aforementioned qualities. It is the earliest millet in existence and was first eaten in the Alps in Europe.

Medical Uses of Foxtail Millet

  • It is beneficial for a variety of lung disorders, including bronchial asthma, pneumonia, TB, lung cancer, etc.
  • This millet helps to clean and maintain the health of the nerve sheath. It can be administered in a variety of nerve disorders, including nerve degeneration, parkinsonism, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and any condition causing nerve pain.
  • It is beneficial for numerous joint diseases like gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.
  • It functions as a treatment for anaemia, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, burning urination feelings, convulsions in children with high temperatures, and constipation during pregnancy. 

How to ORDER ONLINE millets 

If you are looking to online purchase millets, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

7 Superfoods of India

Nowadays, new diets are seen on social media by various celebrities, and we don’t know what foods to choose or which are best for our health. Superfoods are the most nutritious foods with the fewest calories. And you don’t have to rely on costly or imported foods; there are a number of readily available Indian superfoods that you may use instead.

Top 10 Indian Spices and How to Use Them

  • Black Wheat: Compared to traditional yellow wheat, black wheat (BW) has higher levels of protein, dietary fibre, calcium, vitamin K, total flavonoid (TFC), total phenolic content (TPC), and antioxidant activity. 
  • Rajgira (Amarnath): One of the best sources of plant protein in the world is Rajgira. Even more, protein is present in lysine than in milk. Another crucial component in Rajgira is calcium. Iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium are all abundant in Rajgira. Additionally, a wonderful source of vitamin C is amaranth grain.
  • Dry Ginger Flakes (Soonth): Due to its numerous applications, soonth or shunthi is also known as vishvabhejhaj (universal medicine). It is a natural pain reliever which can treat headaches, menstrual pain, joint pain, and abdominal colic. It also balances Vata dosha in the body.
  • Multi Floral Honey: It helps in respiratory disease treatment. It Encourages Restful Sleep. Multiflora honey contains antioxidants that can reduce inflammation in the body, which is a major contributor to many serious health problems. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. It regulates diabetes
  • Quinoa: has all 9 essential amino acids. A fantastic source of fibre is quinoa. The fibre in quinoas has the ability to aid with cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It makes an excellent salad foundation because it can absorb dressing without getting soggy.
  • Red Rice: High blood sugar levels can have a serious negative impact on health and interfere with the operation of all main organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys, and eyes. People with a history of respiratory conditions like asthma and pneumonia are more at risk because the infectious infection is still present. For those with digestive problems, red rice is a fantastic source of both soluble and insoluble fibre.
  • Moringa Seed Oil: Protein and the beneficial fat oleic acid, found in moringa oil, are both abundant. It is a cleanser and a moisturiser for the skin and hair. It contains a number of bioactive substances that are both topical and ingested antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

How to ORDER ONLINE superfoods If you are looking to online purchase superfoods, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

Types of MILLETS and their benefits


For thousands of years, millet’s nutritional benefits have been appreciated by people. Rice and wheat take much longer to mature than millet, which matures almost as quickly. It is the ideal crop because of this, which has aided in its quick spread throughout Asia and into Europe.

This article covers several varieties of millet & its nutritional benefits:

Types of millets and their benefits

  • Sorghum Millet (Jowar): Jowar is a good source of iron, protein, and fibre and can decrease cholesterol levels. Jowar is a better option for those who are allergic to wheat. Jowar contains high calories and macronutrients and has more antioxidants than pomegranates and blueberries. 
  • Pearl Millet (Bajra): Iron, fibre, protein, and minerals including calcium and magnesium are all included in bajra. Regular consumption of pearl millet can be ideal for your health, including helping you fight type II diabetes.
  • Finger Millet (Ragi): It is a millet variation that is gluten-free and high in proteins and amino acids. The goal of finger millet in growing youngsters is to promote brain development. Additionally, it has healthy quantities of iron and other minerals, as well as a high calcium content. 
  • Foxtail Millet (Kakum/Kangni): Kakum/Kangni, another name for foxtail millet in India, is typically found as semolina or rice flour. It comprises carbs, which support the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels. These millets contain a lot of iron. Overall immunity may be enhanced by foxtail millet.
  • Amaranth Millet (Rajgira/Ramdana/Chola): Protein and dietary fibre are abundant in this millet. Additionally, this millet aids in preventing hair loss and greying. Amaranth also reduces cholesterol and the chance of developing cardiovascular disease. It contains a lot of calcium, vitamins, and other nutrients.
  • Little Millet (Moraiyo/Kutki/Shavan/Sama): It is rich in vital minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium as well as vitamin B. Little millet is commonly used in several traditional cuisines in the southern states of India. It is a great alternative of rice. 
  • Buckwheat Millet (Kuttu): It is frequently consumed during the Navratra fasting period. It lowers blood pressure and is diabetic-friendly. It is beneficial for cardiovascular health, and you should include it in your diet if you wish to lose weight. 
  • Kodo Millet: With more lecithin amino acid, it is a more digestible variation. The neurological system is significantly strengthened as a result. Niacin, B6, and folic acid, among other B vitamins and other vitamins and minerals, are especially abundant in kodo. It is excellent for people who cannot tolerate gluten.
  • Barnyard Millet: Popular among millets, barnyard millet is also referred to as sanwa. It contains dietary fibre, which aids in digestion and promotes weight loss. Because of its high calcium and phosphorus content, it helps increase bone density.
  • Broomcorn Millet: As a result of having a low glycemic index, it helps regulate blood sugar levels. It is a healthy option to include in a diabetic person’s daily diet. Nutritionally speaking, changing to a millet-based diet can be a healthy transformation.

If you are looking to order online spices, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

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