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Category: Food

Is jaggery healthier than sugar?


Is jaggery healthier than sugar?

Many medical practitioners advise substituting jaggery (gud) for sugar if you want a sweetener with higher nutritional qualities. Jaggery can be either golden brown or dark brown in colour, whereas sugar is primarily in the form of translucent, white crystals, despite the fact that both can be processed.

The former loses some of its nutritious content as a result of laborious industrial operations like charcoal treatment. However, other than boiling sugarcane syrup, the latter receives no extra treatment. This guarantees the retention of fibre, mineral salts, and traces of iron in it. Numerous illnesses can be treated with the help of these minerals and phytochemicals from plants.

Is Jaggery good for diabetes?

Patients with diabetes frequently experience sweet cravings and use a variety of sweeteners. Jaggery may be seen by these individuals as a superior substitute for sugar, although it also contains significant amounts of sugar. 10 grammes of jaggery contain between 65% and 85% sugar. Therefore, it is not recommended for frequent consumption by diabetics. Furthermore, even Ayurveda does not advise diabetic individuals to consume it.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Jaggery

1.Avoiding respiratory issues

Jaggery is best for people who are suffering from respiratory tract issues. The jaggery keeps dust and undesirable substances from the body, relieving pressure on the body.

2.Promotes weight loss

The majority of people struggle with weight gain. Moderate jaggery consumption is a tried-and-true method for promoting weight loss. Long chains of sucrose make up the complex sugar known as jaggery. The sucrose takes the body a while to digest, so the energy is released gradually over a longer period of time. Additionally, it prolongs our feelings of fullness and decreases our hunger.

3.Regulates blood pressure

It contains potassium and sodium, which helps in maintaining the body’s acid balance. So having it in your diet would be really beneficial if you have high or low blood pressure.

4.Reduces menstrual discomfort

Endorphins, a pleasant hormone that is released when jaggery is consumed, are helpful in reducing PMS symptoms like mood swings, impatience, food cravings, and many more. Jaggery use on a regular basis may also help control irregular periods.

5.Cleansing of the liver

Jaggery is a natural cleanser that is particularly beneficial for the liver. The natural sweetener present in jaggery removes dangerous poisons from our bodies. This aids liver detoxification even further. That’s why jaggery consumption is advised for liver disorders.

6.Helps avoid constipation

Consuming the nutrient-rich sweetener encourages bowel movements and the body’s digestive enzymes to become active. Simply take a small amount of this wholesome natural sweetener after a meal to lower your risk of constipation.

7.Jaggery can strengthen immunity.

Jaggery contains the required minerals and antioxidants. This helps in reducing the risk of free radical damage & strengthening resistance to many diseases. It is commonly consumed in the winter just because of this reason.

8.Remedies urinary tract issues

Jaggery has the same natural diuretic properties as sugarcane. Regular consumption of this nutritious food item can readily help with a number of concerns, including reducing bladder irritation, promoting urination, and enhancing the smooth flow of urine.

9.Cough and cold treatment

Jaggery also aids in the treatment of flu-like symptoms like a cold or cough. It causes the body to produce heat, thwarting the effects of the cold. Jaggery forms a coating on the inner lining of the throat, helping to treat symptoms including sore throat and itching.

10.Eases joint discomfort

Consuming jaggery can significantly reduce pain for those who have arthritis or other types of joint discomfort. A rich supplier of calcium and phosphorus is jaggery. When combined, these two nutrients help to solve any joint or bone issues. Ginger merely makes its effectiveness better when consumed with it.

List all healthy dry fruits and nuts options

Dry fruits are rich in nutrients and have several therapeutic benefits. You can add dry fruits to dahi, smoothies, oatmeal, or other healthy breakfast options to make them sweeter and more nutritious if you like them. Since dry fruits are smaller in size, you may take them with you wherever you go and eat them whenever you are hungry or need an energy boost. They also don’t include any additional carbohydrates, cholesterol, or sodium, which is an amazing bonus.

  • Cashew (Kaju): contains protein, magnesium, vitamin E, and vitamin B6. It assists in weight loss, aids heart health, and supports blood sugar management.
  • Almonds (Badam): are full of vitamin E, essential oils, and antioxidants. It aids in managing your weight, maintains good skin, keeps your heart healthy, etc.
  • Walnut (Akhrot): is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. It supports weight loss and heart health.
  • Figs (Anjir): are rich in nutrients and have a moderately sweet flavor. It is frequently used as a remedy for respiratory and reproductive system issues.
  • Raisin (Draksh): contains a high amount of iron and can aid in the treatment of anemia. It is good for your digestive system.
  • Makhana (Lotus Seeds): was used to treat a variety of ailments, such as kidney problems and chronic diarrhea.
  • Watermelon Seeds: improve blood sugar control, immunity, and heart health. They also have potassium, magnesium, and zinc.
  • Pumpkin Seeds: are incredibly nutritious. It has a significant amount of healthy fats, magnesium, and zinc.
  • Sunflower Seeds: Numerous vitamins and minerals found in sunflower seeds can strengthen your immune system and improve your capacity to fend off diseases.

If you are looking to online purchase any of the above dry fruit or nuts, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in.com 


Millet for Diabetes: All you want to know



Although millets offer many health advantages, as a diabetic have you ever thought about incorporating them into your diet? Making healthy dietary choices is more important for controlling diabetes than denial and deprivation. Choosing a nutritionally balanced diet plan targeted at maintaining blood sugar levels within range and supporting a healthy weight is a better method to reverse diabetes than giving up your favourite foods.

Can diabetic patients eat millet?

YES. Millets are grains that are beneficial for people with diabetes since they are high in protein and help with insulin sensitivity. The hormone insulin is what the body utilises to turn carbs into energy. While eating millets occasionally won’t make much of a difference, millets should be a regular component of your diet if you want to successfully manage your diabetes over the long run. Because of these elements, millets are a useful diet for regulating blood glucose levels.

How does millet help to deal with diabetes?

Foxtail millet’s impact on type 2 diabetics was investigated in studies. According to one study, switching from rice to foxtail millet for breakfast helped people feel less hungry after eating. Millets’ high fibre content and antioxidants help diabetics digest food more easily and progressively minimise insulin spikes. Most significantly, grains are the main source of complex carbs, which promote satiety and prevent blood sugar increases by increasing the feeling of fullness. Due to millet’s low glycemic load, the body also takes longer to metabolise and break them down. They require less insulin because they are taken into the bloodstream more gradually.

How can millet be included in a daily meal?

You can prepare dishes using millet in a variety of ways.

  • Make it into porridge and serve it for breakfast.
  • Replace millet in your meals instead of rice, wheat, and sooji.
  • To make cooked millet more nourishing and full, combine it with grilled veggies or a fresh salad.
  • Prepare various millet dosas with various chutney accompaniments.
  • Replace pasta made with maida with multigrain pasta and millet noodles.

How much millet should I eat?

Because millets are high in insoluble fibre, which gives stools bulk, it’s important to focus on portion control and drink enough of water. The quantity of millet to be ingested is determined by a person’s calorie needs, intestinal health sensitivity, and blood sugar level. Consult a dietitian to receive a personalised eating plan.

Read also: https://www.viarastore.in/2022/10/01/types-of-millets-and-their-benefits/


How to include Red Rice, Brown Rice & Black Rice in your diet


White rice is devoid of the husk, bran, and germ, which make up the outer layer. Additionally known as polished rice. As a result, it is deficient in vitamins and minerals when compared to other rice kinds. Additionally, it is a good source of natural carbs and has a higher glycemic index.

In brown rice, the outer husk is removed, but it still has the bran layer and the germ, so it has more fibre than white rice.

With regard to black rice, It has all three of the outer layers of the grain (husk, bran, and germ), making it a higher source of fibre and antioxidants than the other two types of rice.

With regard to black rice, she notes that it has all three of the outer layers of the grain (husk, bran, and germ), making it a higher source of fibre and antioxidants than the other two types of rice.

How to include red rice in your diet

Being a full grain, red rice is an excellent complement to your everyday diet. Whole grains preserve the germ, bran, and endosperm as well as the entire grain seed. 

  • Red rice should be thoroughly rinsed three times in a pan before soaking for an hour.
  • After the rice has been soaked, drain it and add it to a pressure cooker.
  • In a pressure cooker, combine 1 part rice with 2 parts water.
  • For one whistle, cook the rice over high heat.
  • Three more whistles will be sounded after reducing the flame.
  • Allowing the pressure to naturally release

How to include black rice in your diet

  • Use water and rinsed black rice in a pot to begin the absorption method of cooking black rice. Boil water over medium-high heat. 
  • Cook for about 30-35 minutes, then add the salt, lower the heat, and cover.
  • To avoid losing a lot of steam, resist the impulse to check on the rice too frequently by not opening the lid. 
  • Continue to cook the rice until it is chewy and soft and all the water has been absorbed. 
  • After turning off the heat, cover it and let it stand for 5 to 10 minutes before fluffing it with a fork and serving.

How to include brown rice in your diet

  • Place the rice in a colander or wire mesh sieve and give it a quick 10-second rinse under cold water. Shake it up to remove any extra water.
  • The rice and water should be combined in a medium pot (about 2 quarts). Add any salt you want.
  • Put the lid on. Rice will begin to boil when the heat is increased to medium-high. Watch the saucepan for steam or listen for the lid to make jiggling noises because the liquid can suddenly boil over and create a major mess.
  • Make sure the rice is cooked through. There shouldn’t be any liquid pooling at the bottom of the pot, and the rice should have crater-like steam holes on its surface. A grain may have a slight toothiness when you taste it, which is acceptable. Return the rice to the burner on medium-low for 5-minute intervals if it is still very crispy.
  • Cut the heat off. For ten minutes, leave the lid on the rice so that it can steam. Even though the pot is not heated, this time is nevertheless spent cooking.
  • Before serving, fluff the rice using a fork or spoon.
  • Brown rice freezes beautifully. Place the cooled rice in a freezer bag with a zip cover. Seal it after removing as much air as you can, then freeze it for up to six months. Defrost in the fridge for an entire night, or thaw the bag in a basin of water and massage the grains every few minutes. Find out more about freezing rice here.


Type of Cooking Oil in India


Indian cuisine is renowned for its mouthwatering flavour, aroma, and finger-licking sensation. The cooking oil gives our food its signature flavour and texture. Let’s examine a few varieties of the best cooking oils in India, as well as their virtues and characteristics.

  • Groundnut Oil: This oil has skin-beneficial antioxidant qualities, which has made it very popular in India.
  • Coconut Oil: One of the best options for foods that require high heat is coconut oil. Even after being stored for months, it does not go bad. You feel fuller for longer periods of time after eating food prepared with coconut oil. 
  • Sunflower Oil: Given its high vitamin E content, sunflower oil is one of the most widely used cooking oils in India. At extreme temperatures, this oil keeps food nourished.
  • Mustard Oil: Numerous health advantages can be derived from mustard oil. It is very digestible and helps in cold and cough prevention. Considered the healthiest cooking oil in India.
  • Soybean Oil: is one of the greatest types of oil for vegans. It has many different applications. Because of its high smoking point, soybean oil is a fantastic choice for roasting, baking, and frying.
  • Sesame Oil: They are both necessary fatty acids that guard against many illnesses, including as cancer and heart disease. They also aid in enhancing immunological performance.
  • Rice Bran Oil: Because of its bland flavour, rice bran oil, one of the most adaptable cooking oils, may be used for both frying and baking. It has a high smoke point and offers health advantages like lowering blood sugar and reducing cardiac problems.
  • Olive Oil: Antioxidants in olive oil are well-known for their abundance. The oil was suitable for cooking at low to medium temperatures. One of its advantages is the preservation of heart health.
  • Safflower Oil: It helps to promote heart and vascular health and lower blood cholesterol levels. When applied topically, the anti-inflammatory qualities of safflower oil help soothe your skin.

Read also:  https://www.viarastore.in/2022/10/01/how-to-choose-the-right-cooking-oil/

If you are looking to online purchase any of above cooking oil, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in.com 


Foxtail Millet Is The Oldest Millet In The World


The five healthy millets—Little, Kodo, Foxtail, Barnyard, and Brown Top—with their low carbohydrate-to-fiber ratios are increasingly recognised as grains that can root out contemporary disorders. These are the native grains of many different nations across the world, and they can be a true alternative to grains as a staple meal and help to solve many environmental issues. 

Characterstics of Foxtail Millet

  • Yellow in colour
  • Fibre content is 8.0.
  • Iron content is 6.3 mg% 
  • Protein content is 12.3 gms %
  • Carbohydrate to fibre ratio is 7.57

Foxtail millet is regarded as the most balanced millet among the five beneficial millets because of the aforementioned qualities. It is the earliest millet in existence and was first eaten in the Alps in Europe.

Medical Uses of Foxtail Millet

  • It is beneficial for a variety of lung disorders, including bronchial asthma, pneumonia, TB, lung cancer, etc.
  • This millet helps to clean and maintain the health of the nerve sheath. It can be administered in a variety of nerve disorders, including nerve degeneration, parkinsonism, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and any condition causing nerve pain.
  • It is beneficial for numerous joint diseases like gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.
  • It functions as a treatment for anaemia, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, burning urination feelings, convulsions in children with high temperatures, and constipation during pregnancy. 

How to ORDER ONLINE millets 

If you are looking to online purchase millets, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

7 Superfoods of India

Nowadays, new diets are seen on social media by various celebrities, and we don’t know what foods to choose or which are best for our health. Superfoods are the most nutritious foods with the fewest calories. And you don’t have to rely on costly or imported foods; there are a number of readily available Indian superfoods that you may use instead.

Top 10 Indian Spices and How to Use Them

  • Black Wheat: Compared to traditional yellow wheat, black wheat (BW) has higher levels of protein, dietary fibre, calcium, vitamin K, total flavonoid (TFC), total phenolic content (TPC), and antioxidant activity. 
  • Rajgira (Amarnath): One of the best sources of plant protein in the world is Rajgira. Even more, protein is present in lysine than in milk. Another crucial component in Rajgira is calcium. Iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium are all abundant in Rajgira. Additionally, a wonderful source of vitamin C is amaranth grain.
  • Dry Ginger Flakes (Soonth): Due to its numerous applications, soonth or shunthi is also known as vishvabhejhaj (universal medicine). It is a natural pain reliever which can treat headaches, menstrual pain, joint pain, and abdominal colic. It also balances Vata dosha in the body.
  • Multi Floral Honey: It helps in respiratory disease treatment. It Encourages Restful Sleep. Multiflora honey contains antioxidants that can reduce inflammation in the body, which is a major contributor to many serious health problems. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. It regulates diabetes
  • Quinoa: has all 9 essential amino acids. A fantastic source of fibre is quinoa. The fibre in quinoas has the ability to aid with cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It makes an excellent salad foundation because it can absorb dressing without getting soggy.
  • Red Rice: High blood sugar levels can have a serious negative impact on health and interfere with the operation of all main organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys, and eyes. People with a history of respiratory conditions like asthma and pneumonia are more at risk because the infectious infection is still present. For those with digestive problems, red rice is a fantastic source of both soluble and insoluble fibre.
  • Moringa Seed Oil: Protein and the beneficial fat oleic acid, found in moringa oil, are both abundant. It is a cleanser and a moisturiser for the skin and hair. It contains a number of bioactive substances that are both topical and ingested antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

How to ORDER ONLINE superfoods If you are looking to online purchase superfoods, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

Types of MILLETS and their benefits


For thousands of years, millet’s nutritional benefits have been appreciated by people. Rice and wheat take much longer to mature than millet, which matures almost as quickly. It is the ideal crop because of this, which has aided in its quick spread throughout Asia and into Europe.

This article covers several varieties of millet & its nutritional benefits:

Types of millets and their benefits

  • Sorghum Millet (Jowar): Jowar is a good source of iron, protein, and fibre and can decrease cholesterol levels. Jowar is a better option for those who are allergic to wheat. Jowar contains high calories and macronutrients and has more antioxidants than pomegranates and blueberries. 
  • Pearl Millet (Bajra): Iron, fibre, protein, and minerals including calcium and magnesium are all included in bajra. Regular consumption of pearl millet can be ideal for your health, including helping you fight type II diabetes.
  • Finger Millet (Ragi): It is a millet variation that is gluten-free and high in proteins and amino acids. The goal of finger millet in growing youngsters is to promote brain development. Additionally, it has healthy quantities of iron and other minerals, as well as a high calcium content. 
  • Foxtail Millet (Kakum/Kangni): Kakum/Kangni, another name for foxtail millet in India, is typically found as semolina or rice flour. It comprises carbs, which support the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels. These millets contain a lot of iron. Overall immunity may be enhanced by foxtail millet.
  • Amaranth Millet (Rajgira/Ramdana/Chola): Protein and dietary fibre are abundant in this millet. Additionally, this millet aids in preventing hair loss and greying. Amaranth also reduces cholesterol and the chance of developing cardiovascular disease. It contains a lot of calcium, vitamins, and other nutrients.
  • Little Millet (Moraiyo/Kutki/Shavan/Sama): It is rich in vital minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium as well as vitamin B. Little millet is commonly used in several traditional cuisines in the southern states of India. It is a great alternative of rice. 
  • Buckwheat Millet (Kuttu): It is frequently consumed during the Navratra fasting period. It lowers blood pressure and is diabetic-friendly. It is beneficial for cardiovascular health, and you should include it in your diet if you wish to lose weight. 
  • Kodo Millet: With more lecithin amino acid, it is a more digestible variation. The neurological system is significantly strengthened as a result. Niacin, B6, and folic acid, among other B vitamins and other vitamins and minerals, are especially abundant in kodo. It is excellent for people who cannot tolerate gluten.
  • Barnyard Millet: Popular among millets, barnyard millet is also referred to as sanwa. It contains dietary fibre, which aids in digestion and promotes weight loss. Because of its high calcium and phosphorus content, it helps increase bone density.
  • Broomcorn Millet: As a result of having a low glycemic index, it helps regulate blood sugar levels. It is a healthy option to include in a diabetic person’s daily diet. Nutritionally speaking, changing to a millet-based diet can be a healthy transformation.

If you are looking to order online spices, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

Black Rice Benefits

Black Rice

Black Rice benefits have made him popular in the last few years It has the exceptional triple advantage of being aesthetically appealing, tasty, and nutritious. Purple rice, forbidden rice, and emperor’s rice are some of the other names for this dark rice, which is a deep purple-black. 

Black rice varieties can be found everywhere, from India, China, and Japan to Thailand and Indonesia. There are long-grained and short-grained variations. Because long-grained rice has a lower glycemic index and less starch.

Black Rice –  Cooking Tips

You can steam the rice, boil it in water, or use a pressure cooker like an Instant Pot. Black rice has a chewier texture than other types of rice. You should anticipate that cooking black rice will demand more water.

Like all rice, black rice has the potential to collect arsenic from the soil. Before cooking the dry rice, rinse it to lessen the likelihood that you’ll consume arsenic. Additionally, you can overcook the rice and then drain off any extra liquid that the grain hasn’t absorbed by the time it’s been deemed “done.” To make sure you don’t overcook the rice, this method does require more supervision.

5 Health Benefits of Black Rice 

  • Excellent Source of Fiber: As was already said, black rice is an excellent source of fiber, which promotes regular bowel movements and guards against constipation, bloating, and diarrhea. Additionally, it makes your body feel full, which keeps you from bingeing on fatty meals and promotes weight loss.
  • Good For Eyes: Black rice contains carotenoids and vitamin E which are good for eye health. Additionally helpful to older individuals, it helps prevent some eye issues that can result in blindness. Additionally, black rice lessens the harm that UV rays do to the eyes.
  • Boosts Heart Health: Black rice has a well-known beneficial effect on heart health. Additionally, it helps lower LDL, generally known as bad cholesterol, and is a major contributor to cardiovascular disorders. It has been demonstrated to preserve healthy heart health as a result. 
  • Reduces the Risk of Diabetes: Black rice has a lot of fiber, which aids in regulating blood sugar levels. You should start using black rice in your diet right away to reduce your risk of developing diabetes. 
  • Enhances Liver Health: Fatty liver disease is brought on by the buildup of fat in the liver. By lowering fat and restoring the liver’s natural activities, the antioxidants in black rice are beneficial to the liver.

How to ORDER black rice online If you are looking for online spices, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

How to Choose the Right Cooking Oil

Oil is an essential part of the Indian kitchen because it imparts flavour, distributes heat from the burner to the food, and prevents food from sticking to the pan. Choosing which oil to choose is pretty difficult. There are too many choices from which we have to select.

In this blog, we will discuss how to choose the best cooking oil for you:

  1. Re-heating

Reheating refined cooking oils causes them to degrade and generate free radicals that put the body under oxidative stress. Sadly, it can also cause chemical changes in the oil and create trans fats, which is something we should always want to avoid.

  1. Flavour and aroma

Cuisine affects the oil choice. Some cuisines rely on specific flavours of oil: Asian food uses peanut oil, whereas Mediterranean cuisine uses olive oil. And unlike bland refined oils, unrefined oils have far more flavour and taste.

  1. Watch out for marketers

There should only be oil on the ingredient list. Don’t believe the boasts on the front of the package. Consider the claim that certain vegetable oils are “cholesterol-free”—many of them make it. But since all plant-based goods are cholesterol-free, this is pointless. Cholesterol stuff is only available in animal products.

  1. Examine the type of fat in the oil

There are several types of dietary fats in the food category: 1. saturated fats 2. unsaturated fats are of 2 types – (MUFA)  monounsaturated fatty acids and (PUFA) polyunsaturated fatty acids. 

Approximate Fatty Acid Composition of Edible oils (g/100g)

Oil Saturated Fat MUFA PUFA
Coconut 89 7 2
Oilive 13 76 10
Groundnut 24 50 25
Mustard 8 70 22
Cotton Seed 21 25 53
Sunflower 13 27 60

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4990724/

Unsaturated fats outnumber saturated fats in healthy oil. More MUFA and less PUFA are found within the two forms of unsaturated fat. Trans fats should never be used. 

  1. Check the Smoking

Smoke points are important, but a bigger number does not necessarily indicate superior quality. Because different cooking processes require different temperatures, such as baking (180 C), frying (190 C), and sautéing (200 C), the smoke point is crucial for determining the usefulness of oil (163 C).

Item Smoking Point
Mustard Oil 250 C
Extra Virgin Olive  Oil  207 C
Coconut Oil 177 C
Sesame Oil 177 C
Sunflower Oil 204-266 C
Soyabean Oil 204-266 C

If you are looking for online spices, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

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