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Tag: viarastore

5 Reasons to Eat Unpolished Pulses

Pulses, or dals, are the primary ingredient in Indian cuisine and are high in fibre and low in calories. The nutrient-dense pulses are incredibly flexible, incredibly healthful, and very simple to prepare. There is a vast variety of pulses that are utilised in daily meals, whether you are in North India or South, East or West.

Unpolished dal has earned a lot of customer trust as a result of the recent focus on switching to healthier substitutes. You can get unpolished pulses online because they are India’s primary source of protein (as a large portion of the population is vegetarian). You can look at the extensive choice offered by visiting an online grocery store.

Difference between Polished and Unpolished Pulses 

You can locate a variety of pulses if you’ve been doing your supermarket shopping. When you investigate products, you may discover some with a smooth, shiny surface and others with a rough brilliance.

Unfortunately, consumers frequently purchase the polished dal while not realising that it has fewer health advantages than the unpolished variety. The pulses are polished using a variety of techniques, including processing with water, oil, marble powder, and leather.

5 Reasons to Eat Unpolished Pulses

  • Healthy option: Dals that haven’t been polished are safe for our health. The polishing agents may be hazardous because food with an oil coating contains more fat.
  • Improvised flavour: The taste of polished dal is inferior to that of unpolished dal once the dal’s outer surface has been polished.
  • Save on fuel: Dal that has been polished takes a long time to cook, however unpolished dals might ultimately save you time and fuel.
  • Loss of different vitamins, minerals, and fibres: Pulses are recognised to have a variety of nutritional benefits. They are rich in soluble fibre, polyphenols, and protein. Pulses frequently lose a significant amount of fibre and nutrients during the polishing process.
  • Re-polishing is not necessary: Old stocks are typically sent back for re-polishing before being resold when polished dal is not sold for an extended period of time. Dal that has been refined may be harmful to your health.

Choose unpolished, organically cultivated dals when purchasing them; of days, dals are available online. Enjoy the advantages of the best, unpolished pulses by placing an online order.

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Ghee


It is compared to gold in the scriptures. Our ancestors understood the true worth of ghee because of its incredible benefits. Ghee is one of the most revered foods in Ayurveda and is incredibly therapeutic.

Ghee is entirely composed of fat and contains very little protein, carbohydrate, sugar, or fiber. If the ghee comes from milk from grass-fed cows, it is also high in vitamins A, E, and K. It also contains butyric acid.

Health benefits of Ghee

We have listed the top 10 amazing health benefits of ghee in this blog.

  1. Healthy Food: Ghee draws poisonous substances to it and aids in purging the body of hazardous substances. It is among the foods that are most satvic.
  2. Appetizer: Both children and adults have increased appetites after consuming ghee. It should also be included in your child’s diet for this reason.
  3. Skin health: Ghee assists you in keeping healthy skin by retaining moisture, enhancing skin repair, curing cracks, and softening the skin.
  4. Makes Bones Stronger: Vitamin K, which is abundant in ghee and aids in calcium absorption. It aids in the prevention of atherosclerosis and tooth decay.
  5. Multiple Vitamins: Ghee is a reliable source of the essential oil-soluble vitamins A and E required for fertility, a healthy liver, and hormone balance.
  6. Lactose Intolerance Benefit: Lactose isn’t in ghee. People with dairy or casein intolerance usually don’t attract allergies after consuming ghee.
  7. Controls Burns: One of the least dangerous dermatological cosmetics is ghee. It helps heal burns and is gentle on the skin.
  8. Addresses Menstrual Issues: The hormones in the body are often balanced by ghee. Because of this, it is a top candidate if you want to get rid of menstruation problems including PMS and irregular cycles.
  9. Contains healthy fat: Ghee has been shown by research to be low in fat. It contains beneficial fats that raise the body’s level of good cholesterol. Unlike other types of fat, ghee does not lead to heart disease.
  10. Supports the Digestive System: Before every meal, our ancestors used to eat a teaspoon of ghee in the past. It lined the digestive tract and lowered the risk of cancer and ulcers.

TRADITIONAL COW GHEE – The best of all

Ghee is not all processed in the same way. In order to choose the best ghee, it is necessary to consider its nutritional content. And when it comes to this quality, organic cow ghee is unquestionably at the top. When we are talking about health benefits of cow ghee, then you can get all above 10 points, which are mentioned above.

You can readily purchase organic cow ghee online, and it can significantly alter your diet. You can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

Types of Rice in India

For a variety of reasons rice is an essential component in people’s diets in India. The fact that rice is naturally immensely full and gives the body energy is the key factor. In addition, rice is nutritious and rich in nutrients that meet the body’s needs on a regular basis.

There are varieties of rice available in India. Each type of rice has a distinctive flavour, aroma, and appearance and is used to prepare various cuisines. Let’s talk some of the best rice with their benefits:

  • Brown Rice

Any food made with brown rice will taste good because of the mild nutty flavour of brown rice. Due to its low calorie content and high vitamin and mineral content, brown rice is frequently chosen above other types of rice by those who are concerned about their health. It is made entirely of whole grains and is also quite light.

  • Black Rice

Black rice is a variety of glutinous rice, commonly referred to as the forbidden rice. Black rice is a little more expensive than other types of rice. One should at least once test the many different varieties of black rice that are offered in stores and online.

  • Red Rice

The antioxidant anthocyanin, which gives red rice its reddish bran colour, is abundant in red rice. Red rice is typically prepared using a variety of herbs and spices, including chile, garlic, and pepper.

  • Basmati Rice

One of the most popular varieties of rice in both India and all of Asia is basmati. This fragrant rice is widely used in Indian and Asian cuisines to make intriguing and creative meals. Basmati Rice Tukda is having extraordinarily long grains, a delicate, fluffy texture, and a distinctive fragrance.

  • Kolam Rice

A medium-sized rice grain range is called kolam. The most common use is as daily rice. In comparison to regular Basmati Rice, it has a softer flavour and aroma. The tiny, spongy grains of kolam rice are easily eatable. when cooked, releases a scent similar to flowers.

  • Idli Rice

A moderate grain that is primarily grown in Tamil Nadu is used to make idli rice. This rice is often referred to as fast rice. Idli rice is chemical-free and packed with nutrients. Idli rice soaks more quickly and yields more batter.

If you are looking to online purchase any type of rice, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

Why were our grandparents healthier than us?


When vegetables were grown in the backyard garden rather than being packaged in plastic and a tablet was something you took when you were unwell, children used to play outside in the soil until the dinner bell rang.

The idea that our grandparents lived in simpler, more natural times, before processed meals and pervasive screens gave us all kinds of lifestyle ailments, is a widespread one.

Let’s explore the reasons why our grandparents in ancient India were more healthy.

  • Waking up in the early morning: Early risers frequently have early nights. A huge advantage of getting up early is the stress reduction. This results in higher-quality sleep as your body’s biological clock adjusts to your new sleep schedule.
  • Use hands for eating: It promotes digestion since our fingers’ nerve endings are known to increase metabolism. When using a spoon, individuals tend to eat more quickly, which is bad for digestion.
  • Sitting on floor:  Earlier,  people would sit cross-legged on the floor to consume their meals. Eating in this position facilitates easier, quicker digestion, which is further aided by movement of the body during the meal.
  • Usage of Banana leaf:  Polyphenols, which are plant-based chemicals that act as natural antioxidants, are abundant in banana leaves. The polyphenols that are absorbed into the diet are stimulated by the heat food put on the plantains.
  • Proper meal timings: In the past, people used to eat a healthy diet and to eat their meals on time. Eating meals on schedule keeps blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels balanced and promotes health.
  • Using Matka for water: In the past, when there were no refrigerators, people used to store water in clay pots to keep it cool. The water is cooled by clay pots depending on the weather, and they also soothe our on our throats.
  • Active lifestyle: Our grandparents used to complete all of their jobs manually. This made them stronger and allowed for more bodily movements that served as exercise.
  • Copper & Silver utensils: In the past, people would preserve water in a copper container at night and consume it in the morning. Copper aids in weight loss, aids digestion, and kills bacteria. Silver containers were used to store wine, water, and some food items since the metal could keep them fresh.

For more such blogs, keep visiting our Viara Store website.

How to order online grocery in Pune

Why leave home when you can simply push a button to get everything delivered?

From one end of the city to the other, Pune’s favourite website Viara Store can transport groceries to your doorsteps.

Why stress over your tasks when you can get everything done with us.


  • Gym / Diet / Weight Loss: whoever are enrolled in gym and doing doing regular workout can order-   Millets, Desi Ghee, Coconut Oil, Brown Rice,Red Rice, Black Rice, Millet Noodles, Pasta & Cookies, Gluten free wheat – Khapli & Black wheat, Chana Sattu, Moringa Seed oil, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, himalayan pink salt, stevia powder, green tea with stevia, etc.
  • Hair, Skincare & Beauty: All ladieslikes to take care of themselves. They can order-    Acne Oil, Face Oil, Coconut Oil, White Sesame Oil, Almond Oil, Neem Oil, Castor Oil, Walnut, Apricot, Green Tea with stevia, pumpkin seed oil (menopause related) , pain relied roll on (for period cramps), etc.
  • Kids / Cautious Mother’s: For fulfilling needs of infant to teenager/adults, you can order Cookies, Health drink mixes, jaggery syrup, noodles, pasta for themselves.
  • Moms: Housewives usually needs daily grocery such as  Fresh atta, Toor Dal, Yellow moong dal, Turmeric powder, red chilli powder, jaggery powder, kolam rice, premium basmati rice, 1L oils – safflower, groundnut, sunflower, mustard, Cumin, ghee, spices, etc.
  • Breakfast / Snacks: Working professional, who has less time. They need easy to cook item such as red rice poha, kodo poha, little millet poha, rawa / sooji, sabudana, cookies, almond drink mix, ragi chocolate drink mix, dates powder, dry fruits and seeds powder, Kodo noodles & pasta, etc.
  • Experimental Items: Would like to try healthy foods and with a difference.     Kodo & Multi millet noodles, pasta, black & red rice rice, black wheat, khapli wheat, etc.
  • Festival  Special:  Housewives like to purchase  fresh ground aata, millet aata – ragi, jowar, makka, besan, ghee, 5Lts cooking coldpress oils – groundnut, safflower, coconut, mustard in the festival times.
  • Diabetic Friendly Foods: Diabetes patients can order Stevia leaves, powder, stevia green tea, brown rice, millets, etc to maintain their healthy lifestyle.

If you are looking to online purchase any of above items, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

4 Best Foods to Control Diabetes

If you or anyone in your social circle has diabetes, then you know how tough it is to monitor your blood sugar levels and manage your diet. Certain foods cause big spikes in blood sugar levels, while others actually lower them, yet many patients go through years of trial and error before discovering what works best for them.

In this blog, we’ll go through the 4 best foods for diabetes patients, who want to control their blood sugar and live a better life.

Brown rice contains more fibre content than regular white rice. Fiber-rich meals make you feel satisfied for a longer period while consuming fewer calories. It is high in phenols and flavonoids, which are two types of antioxidants that slow down the ageing process. It also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which include calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, etc.

Niacin is found in millet, which helps in the management of enzyme processes in your body. Millet is a great source of beta-carotene. The insoluble fibre found in millet is prebiotic in nature. It supports good bacteria in your digestive system. Millets protects your body against free radicals and promotes eye health at the same time. It regulates your blood sugar, improves intestinal health, and protects you from heart disease.

Stevia is a natural sweetener made from the stevia plant’s leaves. It’s a very popular choice for people who want to lose weight and reduce their sugar intake. It contains practically no calories, but it is multiple times sweeter than regular table sugar. It’s also linked to various health benefits, including lower calorie consumption, blood sugar levels, and cavity risk.

Green tea is one of the least processed varieties of tea. It is created from unoxidized leaves. As a result, it has the highest concentration of antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols amongst all other tea options. It is used to control bleeding and heal wounds, help digestion, promote heart and brain health, and regulate body temperature. It also helps with weight loss, liver diseases, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and other conditions.

If you are looking to online purchase any of above items, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in


Varieties of Wheat and Other Grains in India

Chapati or roti is a staple of most Indian cuisines. This wheat flour-based Indian flatbread pairs well with a variety of foods and is regarded as a staple in our diets. The two-ingredient recipe is rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals as well as carbohydrates.

We have listed out the various kinds of wheat & other grains available in India with their health benefits.

Khapli Wheat:

Khapli wheat suitable for those who are gluten intolerant. It can reduce bad cholesterol, which is beneficial for those with heart disease. Due to its rich nutrient profile, emmer wheat can also be beneficial for women who are pregnant or have just given birth.

Black Wheat:

In all respects, black wheat is more nutrient-rich than yellow wheat. Black wheat has more bioactive substances than yellow wheat. Consuming black wheat helps humans live longer and with fewer illnesses. It contains dietary fiber, calcium, Vitamin K, etc.

Barley (Jau):

Vitamins and antioxidants found in barley promote healthy cell growth. Iron, manganese, copper, and folate are all present in it. Every day intake of barley lowers cholesterol levels. People with diabetes can really benefit from it.

Maize (Makka):

It helps with reducing your vulnerability to conditions including cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. It works to prevent cell deterioration and ward against illnesses like cancer and heart disease. It stops the lens deterioration that causes cataracts.

Sorghum (Jowar):

Jowar is high in protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fibre, all of which support growth and development. Jowar also controls diabetes. These minerals, which are abundant in calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium, strengthen the bones, boost immunity, and ward off disease.

Millet (Bajra):

Niacin, which is essential for healthy skin and organ function, which is abundant in millet.

The darker varieties of millet are particularly good sources of beta-carotene. It regulates blood sugar, enhances digestive health, & guards your heart from illnesses.

Finger Millet (Ragi):

It has vitamins, minerals, fibre, proteins, and carbohydrates. It has very low salt and cholesterol levels, both of which support heart health. Ragi contain adequate amounts of vitamins C and E, which help to maintain healthy skin, hair, and immune systems.

How to ORDER ONLINE wheat and other grains

If you are looking to online buy wheat or any other grain, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in


Quick & Healthy Breakfast Ideas

A healthy breakfast is the best way to begin your day in a happy mood. 

Some people prefer not to have breakfast, while some others require it to get going. If you are in the second category, then choose nutritious foods. Because it can give you long-lasting energy and keep you satisfied for several hours. Fiber, protein, healthy fats, and minerals can boost your health and metabolism. 

We have listed the top 5 quick and healthy breakfast ideas in this blog.

Kodo Millet is gluten-free and it is ideal for people who are suffering from gluten intolerance or celiac disease. It has a pretty low Glycaemic Index, so it is good for your heart. It can aid in cholesterol reduction and weight loss. It’s a great option for both adults and children, male or female. Moreover, it contains fiber, which lowers harmful cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Sabudana is a great breakfast option as it is very easy to prepare, digest, and generates immediate energy in the body. It has a low protein level, gluten free and casein free.  It is considered a non-allergic meal. It is relatively safe for diabetic patients due to its low glycemic index. Sabudana doesn’t rapidly raise your blood glucose levels. The resistant starch available in sabudana helps to prevent colon cancer and constipation.

Date powder is just as healthy as ripe dates, but these fruits are devoid of moisture and appear hard and shriveled to the touch. Dates, in their dried form, are high in protein, fiber, calcium, and vitamin C. They are actually natural sweeteners which can help with your digestion and provide instant energy at any point of time.

Jaggery cleanses the respiratory and intestinal tracts. In fact, consuming jaggery at least thrice a day leads to detoxification of your entire body. It is useful for people who suffer from constipation and other digestive disorders. It protects against anemia. It helps in prevention of colds, flu, and other illnesses. White sugar is widely used in India, but it raises blood glucose levels and increases the risk of weight gain and obesity, so jaggery is a wonderful substitute.

The amount of fibre in most dry fruit powders is more than enough to promote regular bowel movements. It keeps your stomach happy and safe. The dry fruits contain high levels of vitamin A and calcium. It helps your bones and eyes to function at their optimum levels. Minerals like iron and zinc, as well as a significant amount of fibre and protein, can greatly boost your energy level.

If you are looking to online purchase any of above items, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in

Top 5 Healthy and Organic Food Items


Your mental and emotional health is affected by how your food was grown. Is it organic or inorganic? It has been observed that people with sensitivities to foods, chemicals, or any kind of preservative have discovered that their symptoms are either reduced or completely disappear when they have eaten solely organic foods.

Here is the list of the top 5 best healthy and organic food items with their benefits.

Having ghee on an empty stomach in the morning treats the body just like rasa, which is a major source of nutrients for each and every single cell in our body, according to Ayurveda. It aids with weight loss. Ghee contains butyric acid and medium-chain triglycerides, which mobilize bodily fats and flush them out. 

If you want to live in a healthy and disease-free body, Sattu is an excellent addition to your regular diet. Especially during the summer, it is an excellent way to satisfy your thirst. It greatly lowers the body temperature. Sattu is full of insoluble fibre, which is beneficial to the intestines. It detoxifies the gut, removing fatty foods, constipation, and acidity. 

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of multiple nutrients, with significant levels of vital vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin seeds have a property of high antioxidants, which help to protect our body cells from various diseases and prevent inflammation too. It also controls your blood sugar levels. It can prevent the growth of breast & prostate cancer cells.

Red rice is basically a grainy, long rice type with a reddish hue because of the presence of anthocyanin. Red rice is highly praised by Indian Ayurveda for its numerous health advantages. It has a unique capacity to balance all of our three tridoshas – Vaata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants, zinc, calcium, and iron.

The purest salt is pink Himalayan salt, because it has no chemicals or contaminants. It helps your body produce more serotonin. Moreover, it helps in stress reduction, and increases energy in the body. It has a high mineral concentration, which helps in restful sleep. It removes impurities from your skin, resulting in softer and clearer skin.

If you are looking to online purchase any of above items, then you can contact Viara Store at 8999367236 or email us at orders@viarastore.in


Welcome to Viara Store!

Bringing Back our Grandparents Foodstyle!

Viara Store was started in 2019 with a vision to supply the quality of goods we export in the local market to all homes with a reasonable price tag.

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# Shop Address: Shop no 31. Aeropolis Society. Porwal Road. Lohegaon. Pune, Maharashtra, India 411047

# Phone Number: 08999367236

# Official Email: orders@viarastore.in

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